If so, did you receive a C2 stepping board? I'm ordering today and wanted to find out if the stock Newegg or Amazon has for the Extreme is C2 stepping yet since I know it sells at a much slower rate than the other boards like the Hero.
It looks like people are making some good gains with Ivy-E and 2.03 beta BIOS on the EVGA Dark:http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.aspx?&m=2021699&mpage=1A couple hitting 4.6Ghz and 4.7Ghz at under 1.4v now after hitting a wall at 4.5Ghz with beta BIOS 2.0...
Now that ITX has started to become more popular with the release of high-end Z77 ITX motherboards like the ASUS P8Z77-I Deluxe and cases like the Bitfenix Prodigy which support notable watercooling options when can we expect the first Republic of Gam...
Does this issue with PCIe slot 3(B2) only affect running SLI or does it affect Crossfire setups as well? Plan on possibly buying two 290x's and don't want to deal with performance issues on this board.
What exactly does the "Ivy Bridge-E optimized design" entail on the Black Edition? What on the board makes it more suited for Ivy-E than the current RIVE and will it make any difference on air/water or just extreme cooling?
FireRx wrote:Geez Arne,I didn't realize my everyday use OC would create such a big deal. From now on I Just post my results on CPU-z Public. It was meant to share what the processor can do. Not a "put up or shut up" session. :confused: The reason pe...