AURA_SDK_Test.cppthe #include "Header.h" is defined in the 4th line.should be #include "AURALightingSDK.h"another thing that I've found:SetGPUMode(GpuLightCtrl[0], 1); // sw mode. 2017-8-25.Mode 1 (static) and Mode (0) seem to be the only options ...
would be nice if the software isn't restricted to "compatible" motherboards only....Yeah, you won't have the sync aspect of the colours, but what about just managing the graphics colours + effects?
Korth wrote:lol the major contributor in the linked github threads is also @digitalformula..I'm new - i go by what I've come across so far. - but asking q's in forum, when github is the perfect tool for issue tracking and relevant discussions, it ...
I believe that this: third party code maintained by an individual. You will need to ask on github for assistance.PS: check this may help you. I will ...