steverebo wrote:Just tested this and there is absolutely no performance difference between disabling and auto on global c statesAgreed. I had less than 1% reduction in CBR20 single and multi-core scores. That was bad advice.I wonder what Global C-Sta...
RedSector73 wrote:How does low power state effect performance, care to explain this statement ?It's from info provided by The Stilt on"So regarding the idle restart issue, aka "Event 41" problem:Based on the testing, disabling option c...
DrSlump76 wrote:Sorry RedSector73, you're right.This is my config:, if i correctly understood, yout system is stable when you enable the "idle states " fixes.What's the latest bios you can run stable on your system with...
OldTechie wrote:Hi there. I'm not really new on this board, but I just got through a mandatory "account update" from Asus. I was active on the old forum about 15 years ago. Having used Asus boards for as long as I remember, my first Asus board was an...