These stickies are ancient and completely abandoned in this thread. Each page load requires pages of scrolling to get to the new threads. This entire site needs some pruning of delapidated stickies, including the broken "AISuite Cleaner" thread.
Results output:Mon Oct 16 201711:13:37Image Editing: 89358Time: 59.625Encoding: 54936Time: 96.985OpenCL: 43706KSamples/sec: 8116Heavy Multitasking: 69144Time: 110.378System Score: 64286----------------------------So I had intended to use this to str...
Last week I installed win10 from USB install media. Everything works just fine except Asus Software and utilities. Complete bust, the only successful item is EZ Updater which, surprise surprise, has nothing for me to update. Corsair Link works fine f...
Damn, that youtube link was bad. Updated link: found this cable on Amazon, which arrived this evening, and did not solve my problem:
Is this the type of behavior you've been experiencing? Seems like what Taij was saying, that something is shorting out and you have to let it dissipate.... In this clip the PC has been sitting in the cool room for about 5 min before powering up the P...
Chrome_N wrote:Thanks fpr this hint . Unfortunately, this did not do the trick The Link software to control the pump works well when connected to an external USB port. I am trying to find a replacement cable.Can you post a link to the cable when y...
Zentrope wrote:Okay...I finally was able to fix this!!Follow the steps correctly..-Uninstall any remaining Asus programs, then start windows in safe mode and run this cleaner.Good morning everyone. So the above mentioned sticky contains a link to a g...