Level 9
since ‎12-11-2017

User Statistics

  • 17 Posts
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User Activity

I'm a bit confused with XMP on the R6E. My R6E board with UEFI 1503 is on default settings. When i try to enable XMP, Memtest86 runs for about 5 minutes and then throwing errors.Without XMP, running on 2133(?) Mhz, Memtest86 runs for about 3 hours wi...
I'm despair on a strange problem.My system runs since almost 2 years without any problems. Since about a few weeks I got the problem that when I'm playing a game like overwatch, after a few minutes, textures and 3D models starting to disappear. After...
Does the Rampage VI Extreme provide an option to start the PC with an USB keyboard? I want to use an Aquaero 6 XT to start my PC remotly but that only works with an Wake on USB option. An other option could be the Silverstone ES02 USB but it would be...
Hi,i want to get an RVI Extreme or Apex. The Extreme looks a bit nicer than the Apex but the Apex does have better OC headroom as i read in many reviews. The board will get an pre-selected and delidded i9 7900X @5,0 GHz and an EKWB monoblock with an ...
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