still x8 - no other pci-e devices, no m.2, onlu PALIT gtx1080 stillx8 but my friend not updated UEFI/BIOS (before spectre bug) and have x16!!!I wrote to the support but ordered to send the mainboard to the service. not possible for me. send me bette...
i have this same problem ASUS Z370 GAMING-F and palit gtx 1080 gamerock premium ed.i have x8 pcie on graphic card and no other devices on pcie. wtf? new bios on mobo (1406 ) but previous (1002 ) not works at x16 too
hi. i have tpm2.0 asus module not possible to create admin ownership in windows 10 because firmware is not safetpm.msc and click on second option CLEAR TPM - reboot - and this same window CLEAR TPM.. no option to PREPARE! but.....
hello. my name is DYNI00 i live in poland, working hard, i play in games on PC and i have asus z370-f and 2 monitors asus VE248HR + ...I'm in a family, guys greets everyone over the world!!! #PEACE