Hey Wazooda, I am using IX CODE and STRIX 1080Ti O11G for quite some time now and never had any issue similar to what you explained. My Bios version is 0801Hope you find a solution to your problem.
mcleod52 wrote:I don't think that will work. Try this ( it is what I ordered)::https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAA6P5812205StewThese have 5 pins (12V-R-G-B-White) while the Asus Motherboard and Strix1080 Ti has 4 Pin headers (12V-R...
Thrawn0502 wrote:Hi, i have the same Problem with my new Strix 1080 TI. Ive got extrem coil Whine when i play diffrent Games, very Bad is World of Warcraft even when i switch between my Chars in the Chars Screen. I will try to RMA from my Reseller. ...
Just a heads up; I got my replacement GPU today and yes it still whines but it is much much better than the first one and not audible when my side panel is closed unless i try to hear it. So yeah its pure luck, if you RMA it new one can have worse an...
Hey Mate,Can you make a video of the coil whine? Just run a game while putting your phone mic close to the card and alt tab in and out of game. Here is mine; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpYk9gEGJx4I have both Gsync and Vsync on, Using Asus PG348Q...