Well my wife had this little record player which broke. I saw it and decided that it had to become a PC for the living room. Unfortunately i have very few parts. I cannibalized my old pc that my psu died in. First time doing anything like this an...
Well you see, out of the kindness of your heart you could do these thing. If i found the kindness in my heart to steal a multimillion dollar peice of equipment. I would no longer have the freedom to use said mobo and such lol. Id be busting rocks.
chrsplmr wrote:Very Clever .. and actually for a 'first time' Mod .. brilliant ..and I agree .. the only thing missing is a 'real' board .. i mean smaller ..may I suggest any ROGgene board .. by then you may be readyto 'upgrade' to a ROGvideoCard ..o...
Update, moving forward and have assembles enough parts to get the motherboar to post. I need a few more parts as money allows. Parts still needed:4 to 6 pin connectorDvi to Hdmi connectorMomentary power switchParts Wanted:Case fansMore LightsSmalle...