Level 9
since ‎08-15-2016

User Statistics

  • 21 Posts
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Hi ,  So after roughly 4 years of use gaming and office work , my monitor developed an issue . As you can see in the attached images the lower right quarter of the display is dimmed out .  Any experts here can suggest what could be the issue?   I can...
Hello After a latest round of updates in AC , I am facing I key ghosting and k button  not working with my claymore 2 .. The issue appeared all of a sudden.  tried fn+esc  , in both wired and wireless mode but still issue persists.  i had similar iss...
Hi,  The Esc key stopped working all of a sudden on my ROG claymore 2 .. I have tried in both wired and wireless mode , still not working . I tried to do a reset with holding down Fn+Esc   for 15 seconds but i guess its not working since Esc key itse...
Hi, My ROG DELTA S headset stopped working after latest round of AC update. I tried uninstalling the AC using uninstall tool and reinstalled it again . But still the same problem persists. The headset is displayed in AC but I see the following err...