I posted on this and related BIOS threads a few weeks ago, as I could not get my system stable at either XMP or optimized defaults. Long story short, it turns out that my CPU was faulty. I ordered a replacement 3700X, and now the system is stable inc...
Just noticed there is a new BIOS version for Crosshair VIII Wi-Fi published today, just minutes ago! Bios version is 2206, release notes are identical to BIOS version 2204 so unclear what is changed. Might dive in and test now...Edit 1: Initial resul...
tommy7600 wrote:I have the same issues as on 2103: https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?119540-ROG-CROSSHAIR-VIII-HERO(WI-FI)-BIOS-2103-High-Instability-Crashes Good news is that, the same workaround works.Can you explain to me your workaround a...
Diskach wrote:OK, here are links on the Overclock.net for BETA BIOSes for c6h, c6h wifi, c7h and c7h wifi (Agesa ...