Hi tousmic88Please only "quick format" an SSD. Full format of an SSD will unnecessarily shorten its life. A genuine use case of SSD full format is if you intend throw your SSD in the trash and want to ensure sensitive data is deleted and cannot be un...
@bforesman "DDR4 3600 CL14" is impressively fast for DDR4. One of my vendors "Scan" has only DDR4 3600 CL18 (some of them at 1.5Volts) as the best speed. As you know, more than DDR4 3200 is considered an overclock.
@bforesmanAssuming the same problem as OP, then a soft BIOS restart, or hardware / case / reset push button is not enough. You need to remove electrical power, then wait a few seconds, then electrical apply electrical power and power on. That fixes i...
Sorry, I have exactly the same issue on a new Z790 Hero BIOS (1202 date 2023/06/16)CPU 13900K PSU Corsair 1600AXIRAM Corsair DDR5 64GB kit 5600Mhz XMP-II 1.25VGPU MSI RTX 3090x3 M.2 Drives all GPTx2 HDD drives all GPTx1 USB CD-ROMSecure boot on. CSM ...