Level 8
since ‎01-22-2014

User Statistics

  • 17 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 0 Kudos given
  • 2 Kudos received

User Activity

After lengthy analysis ( since Dec 23) of what sound  drivers are available for this board in terms of how they compliment ( or not ) the boards 7.1 support, I have had no choice but to buy Soundblaster X3.  Asus have removed S3 portion of realtek  s...
HI I have tried for days to find an extender cable that has the 2 connectors necessary at each end , without success.All those on sale seem to have only one connector at each end .There are 2 connections on the PC desktop backplate for this type of ...
Come on administrator(s) please respond.Please let users have the real reasons for this, and try to get this resolved.After all you should really be acting in the best interests of members as a whole .These are important updates and at the moment can...
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