Level 8
since ‎01-21-2014

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OK bare with me a few seconds. I'll do my best to explain this.First know that I have indeed verified this by swapping various parts between my Z97 and X99 boxes. I have two 2560x1440 monitors. A Dell U2713HM and a Acer XB270HU. I have three 980Ti's ...
Viable on the 5960x ... yeah or neah? SS
I have a constant beep beep beep beep on start no matter what I do. BIOS reset, remove board battery, complete power off/disconect. Looked at manual and see nothing regarding post beep. Any thoughts?SS
Yes?No?Maybe so? SS
Looking for experiences. I want max stable OC #'s under water. Looking to match my build theme. Now my G1 980Ti will run 1580+ in my box shwn in my sig.SS
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