Good. I have a Rog Hero X wifi ac motherboard, an I7 8700k, and an Aorus RTX 3090 Extreme. I updated the bios with the 2603 Beta version a few weeks ago and everything worked great, I had the Resizable Bar activated and no problems or errors. Everyth...
pennyboy wrote:Multiple websites have posted articles about this forum topic! I want to thank everyone in here for taking time out to post and put pressure on asus to get resize on z300 platforms!+1 Thank you all for the pressure without you this wo...
This is the way. Open threads on other websites so that everyone can see Asus' policy of disloyalty towards its customers. Losing customers is the path chosen by Asus.
Lo que menos me esperaba era una falta de consideracion tan grave por parte de Asus a sus clientes, todas las ensambladoras han hecho su trabajo menos ellos no dando soporte a la serie 300 de Intel. Yo lo tengo mas que claro ultimo producto Asus que ...