Level 7
since ‎12-04-2014

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  • 35 Posts
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I may have to move my G20AJ higher up so my baby doesnt kill it.Would it be very bad for the cooling if it was on its side?Thanks
What is better a GTX780 or a GTX970?I've been out of the game for too long and need to learn more, any good sites or guides people know of would also be appreciated 
Where can I purchase this PSU? Is there anyone that can tell me the model number?Would an after market PSU be available that would do the same job?Thanks
My ROG-G20AJ has a nvidia geforce GTX 745 , I would like to upgrade this to the Nvidia GeForce GTX 760, What would be involved in this? Do I just plug in the card or do I need some more cables or an extra power bloct etc?I find the card the pc came w...
My ROG-G20AJ has a nvidia geforce GTX 745 , I would like to upgrade this to the Nvidia GeForce GTX 760, What would be involved in this? Do I just plug in the card or do I need some more cables or an extra power bloct etc?I find the card the pc came w...