Level 8
since ‎09-14-2013

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  • 116 Posts
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I have a 980 Ti connected to a 4k Samsung TV using HDMI. When I first got the 980 Ti and the 4k TV everything was fine but the last couple of weeks whenever I start (or restart) my PC I don't get a picture on my TV but instead a message saying 'No si...
I have a weird problem I'm trying to troubleshoot and could need some help from you guys to figure out what is really wrong.The problem started long ago where sometimes when I started my computer I didn't get a picture on my screen but instead the me...
As the topic suggests I have a device called as above in Device Manager with a yellow exclamation mark indicating a driver is missing.Is there a way to fix this other than waiting for Asus to release a working Windows 10 driver for this device? Or co...
Running Win7 64bit and looking in the Device Manager I have a yellow exclamation mark on a device called AMDA00 and the error saysThis device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)Is there ...
Thought I would see if I could overclock my first gen Asus GTX Titan card a bit so I downloaded the GPU tweak tool but I can't get the GPU Temp Target slider to work. By default it's set to 80 C but I prefer to have it at 70 C so I reset it to that v...
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