I had this problem - I reseated the CMOS battery and then... the board wouldn't boot! It powers up and goes through a few q-codes and about 5 seconds in, the q-code goes to 00 and it reboots it's self. The q-code stays on 00 for the reboot. It reboot...
I had this problem - I reseated the CMOS battery and then the board wouldn't boot! It powers up and goes through a few q-codes and about 5 seconds in, the q-code goes to 00 and it reboots it's self. The q-code stays on 00 for the reboot. It reboots i...
Ok I'm on my 3rd Maximus VI Hero after RMAing the first two because of this fault. The 3rd one also has the fault!It's bloody annoying because otherwise it's a good board. I've tried several different drivers.Anyone think there's any chance of ASUS a...
flexnl wrote:no on h100, and no delid because i m not keeping the chip..sell and buy new oneI think he was asking about the 5ghz @ 1.25v that you mentioned.