I got my replacement card back in July and it has been working flawlessly until today...I got out to buy some groceries and when i got back home my screen was like this:Do you guys think my Graphics Card is dying ? I can't see any artifacts though......
Mystifition wrote:I wish I had read this forum before I jump into this mess.. My card is 8 days out of the box and I've had the same artefacting issues. Tried everything including a fresh install of windows. Updated all drivers for mobo and card. ...
Dejan99x wrote:Yes I know that GTA 4 is a mess, very poorly optimized,... I'm also familiar with a lot of graphical glitches and I don't treat them as artifacts. But "real" artifacts still appear and I haven't seen them with my other gpus. I played g...
Anzejk wrote:Hi all! Soo... I've been watching this thread for quite a while, searching for a fix for this GPU mess and i finally decided to make an account here. I have R9 280X DCII Top batch E3Y and while i get no "real" artifacts i sometimes get ...