bmw477 wrote:Such a bummer. Makes me wonder how many takes they had to do on Newegg TV when JJ with Asus was showing off this with any hobby there are different levels of users-I started out with asus software but moved on many years ago-...
Siamak8286 wrote:I disabled all power saving options in Bios such as enhanced Speedstep, C1E, C-package, etc... and it seems I have no more stuttering, FPS drops anymore, but now questions is can power savings cause such behavior? Also do you guys re...
"sli'd 670's factory overclocked and self overclocked"-my .02-evga' mb's and my old x58 E760 that did not have a molex for the 75 watts per card of pci-e slot power draw , lots of people had a issue of burning up the 24pin psu main cable and evga h...
just unplug it for testing , if it stops it will save you trying to track down a phantom flashing hd light.-I only keep it for a recovery cd and don't think I can boot from the asmeda ports so I did not try it.
"The hard drive LED is always going to be flashing ?"-try unplugging the sata cd\dvd if you have one and see if it stops flashing , it does on my system.I went to a usb external one to free up a intel sata port , didn't like the non intel sata ports...