Level 7
since ‎01-03-2013

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they recently put out BIOS version 2501 to make this machine compatible with Windows 11 so off I go and install it because I want to run Windows 11 eventually. This is where my problems began.... I use Macrium reflect to do Image backups of my system...
Perhaps someone from ASUS would like to explain this one to me.This persisted and did not change for 10 mins, the CPU heatsink was cool to the touch. I powered down the machine pulled the power cable, put it back in an powered back up and now everyth...
I am confused, I have read everywhere people saying that code 00 means a dead CPU, bad power supply, bad ram .... In fact I don't think anyone actually knows what it means ... however in most cases those PC's are not working at all ... Mine for the ...
I think DIP5 has an issue. I am presently trying to diagnose an issue on my ROG Zenith Extreme Alpha, I am suffering from unexplained occasional hard shut downs. I read that one user was advised by ASUS to remove the fan monitoring software which ...
I started having some problems after having this board up and running happily for a month.First problem that occurred was a CPU Code 0D - Never seen this before and it said reserved. I pulled the mains and when restarted the system rebooted fine, I r...