Level 7
since ‎08-27-2013

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  • 9 Posts
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Am I completely restricted from touching my GPU's clocks? Nvidia inspector says 0 on memory and core where you are supposed to be able to increase it.
My GPU boost has not been working since driver 327.43. This is a HUGE issue. Instead of 1085Mhz i'm getting 835 Mhz with these new drivers. I originally just kept my 327.43, but on windows 8.1 I need the new one for LoL to work properly. What is the ...
I have an asus G46. Can I get into my bios and overclock my CPU? I5 3230m
My Samsung TV won't detect a pc input for some reason; however, the pc seems to see that there is a samsung connected to it. I've tried everything and I can't make the tv detect the laptop.