Level 7
since ‎06-30-2012

User Statistics

  • 14 Posts
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User Activity

I was wondering about the bass on this soundcard in respect to previous models. Currently I'm using a pair of Beyers DT990 600ohm which aren't exactly a pair of bassy headphones, but I've been able to get them to a comfortable bass level using the eq...
I've been trying to drive my Beyerdynamic DT990 with 600ohm on Phoebus but I'm a bit boggled by the options. There are three so far; one Normal with 0dB, one High with 6dB and then one with Extra High with 12dB for >150ohm. Is this an accurate estima...
I've experienced strange static-like or humming noise coming from my end when talking while playing games. Friends have complained before when speaking over ventrilo so I decided to record how it sounded like when the mic was on during a game session...