HelloI did do two RMA, First time, i sent a R9 280x Dcu II and asus sent me back R9 280X dcu ii v2 (no ask to me about change), my first card never has flickering, artifacts or ramdon reboots, i sent it because it crash one time and after reboot i s...
dotachin wrote:A VRAM problem (or VRAM controller problem), usually appears if overclock VRAM off it's limit on all kinds of Tahiti cards (at least). Seeing this without overclocking means there's hardware problem with the card that cannot be resolve...
HelloI bought an ASUS R9 280x direct cu ii top past year, I don't have any problem with it, but after one year the card stop works, i rma it and received r9 280x direct cu ii top v2, since that day i have problems, first flickering but i don't have i...