Hi Guys,I have read your messages concern the boot problem with the CPU i7-4790K and your motherboard Asus Maximus VI Extreme, and I have today the same problem. When I install my i7-4790K, I have a black screen and code 00 on the motherboard. But wh...
Hello,Thank you for your information.I believed that I could install the both, because I had seen this picture where they is one tower with the both.http://www.republic-of-gamers.fr/Forum/showthread.php/8949-News-amp-Discussions-ROG-FRONT-BASE
Hi,I have a motherboard Asus Maximus VI Extreme, and I have installed already the OC Panel of the motherbord on the connector ROG EXT and the sound cable of my case on the AAFP connector. How can I install toogether the OC Panel and the ROG Front Bas...