It would help if you posted your HDTune testing settings, e.g. @ 512bytess blocksize I got <20MB/s@ 64k I got <2000 MB/s@ 8MB I got <4000 MB/sCrystal Disk raw io tests are very different from file copy tests which are limited by OS overheads and othe...
According to this redditor , ASUS has no plans to implement support... if true I'm done with ASUS. I'm eagerly awaiting the new Threadrippers and currently looking at MSI for that build.
Nefasto wrote:and how to blame you? I think I'll do the sameGame First has long been known to break Teredo and Ipv6, do not use. It is completely pointleess and dangerous software. Avoid!
Nodens wrote:Could you guys try booting a Linux livecd and see if you still don't get any sound? (Want to rule out Windows/Drivers). If that is the case then you should RMA your boards...Been away myself a couple weeks. Can you give a link to a live...