the gtx 1080 has been around for awhile does NVidia have the balls to implement a gtx 1090 sli into a notebook? like one just to fart around on hahakraygon
how do you get the cool rog desk top icon in win 10?win 7 I just did a right click and POW just 1 click awaynow I have to copy and paste and select icon 8(\kraygon
what are the best MB options for 2 1+ amp draw 120mm 3 or 4 prong deltas (intake to graph card intake-exhaust from graph card exhaust ultra small lan case)power suppy is no issuekraygon
just DL'd all the mods 3 remixgoing to try and melt this g750jmso i have a excuse to buy a new rog laptopthe jw has been a beast looking forward to the 2020 models or good used onetwo thumbs up for best resell value of any gaming laptopkraygonrememb...
just got my forth asus product a used g750jm from a pawn shopthird is a saber tooth tuff edition MB (and still rockin a gtx 680)going to fart around on it and see how it goesstill just playing WOW and minecraft though(eyeballing them 1080's}kraygon