So, for a while now, I've had this issue where a USB Flash Stick is not being detected. No matter what USB connector I use. Drivers and all, updated. Uninstall and reinstall of device doesn't help. Fiddled around with the power setting, still no ...
After installing BIOS version 2403 and enabling XMP on my Maximus Z690 Extreme MB, I started experiencing random CTD in game play. Happens with almost all games, and doesn't seem to be something I can easily recreate persistently. I have since reve...
Got an issue with XMP being enabled. I currently have the following kit: F5-6400J3239G16GA2-TZ5RK.Asus' site says it should work with my mobo, and GSkill's site it should work just fine:
Hey guys, got a big issue. I have the strix 1080 a8g in sli with the rampage v edition 10 mobo. When sli is enabled, win10 64 crashes with an error saying WHEA_UNCONTROLLABLE_ERROR. I have checked both gpu's and they function just fine on their ow...
What do you mean, I have Win installed on Flash drive? I have an NVME M.2 drive.I am running Win 11 Home 23H2.You explanation makes no sense. The USB external drive is detected on other PC's with the exact same file format.
Windows is updated.No USB restrictions, not by power management or by BIOS.All other USB devices function normally.Uninstalling doesn't resolve the unrecognized device.
Happens when using the USB Stick using the ports at the back or the chassis ports.I have updated the drivers from the mobo driver page on the ASUS website.Following the TS didn't help.BIOS is updated and CMOS was cleared prior to posting here.I have ...
Hi @Jiaszzz_ROG ,Thank you for your reply!It's F5-6400J3239G16GA2-TZ5RK from G Skill, Trident-Z5. Slots are as expected and the model does appear in the Mobo's QVL.Clearing CMOS and re-enabling XMP was done, but to no avail.Benny