Level 7
since ‎08-06-2015

User Statistics

  • 3 Posts
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User Activity

Hey all, I bought a Samsung Evo 970 m.2 ssd for my board but looks like the best I can get is pcie2.0 x2 speed. So right now I am stuck between returning the ssd or getting something like "Asus HYPER M.2 x 4 MINI M.2 Hyper Interface Adapter".Does any...
I have z97-deluxe USB 3.1 mobo, I am using on board broadcom wifi with the antenna came in the package. I have these issues from time to time1-) Pİng times are going up and down back to normal values and gives request time out errors when pinging inf...
I have Asus Z97 deluxe 3.1 motherboard with 2x8gb hyper fury x ram and i7 4790k cpu, I also have gtx 980 gpu. I have Samsung 850 Evo and WD Blue 1 TB HDDWhen I boot up the computer after a long time (like next morning from previous night), Asus logo ...