Level 10
since ‎12-03-2012

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  • 44 Posts
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  • 12 Kudos received

User Activity

I know, i know :cool: this title is a trap but i just wana say that my G74SX is working like a charm after two fracking years and grinding all new games and what not i install on them. I just reinstall OS after two years bcoz of a tiny slowdown (it w...
Hello!I buy this laptop two months ago. It perform like a charm but i am kinda dissapointed with lcd which is glare one @1600x900.It has very narrow wiev angle and black colour is kinda washed out.I stumbled on this while surfing: http://www.youtube....
Hello ROGers!I am kinda frustrated i cant put avatar to my account! Radio button "Do not use avatar" is always on no matter i click "reset fields"! Am i missing something?THNX in advance
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