Level 10
since ‎07-28-2013

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  • 161 Posts
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I think there is a screen burn. other icons appear behind the pictures. I need a new unit, where can I get it? and I need a new back cover rgb. please help
request suggestionI know it's been a long time since the card was released. some more up-to-date ram profiles can be added. qvl list rams are no longer available in the market. I request a little more support for a card with high ram selectivity.some...
Is oc panel 2 not used in the xi series?
I just upgraded x apex motherboard. Now I'm using xı apex. And all other equipment is the same. xı apex old ramler will not work properly. F4-4000C18D-16GTZ travelers. Xmp n1 18-19-19-39 1t profile never turns on the system gives 7f error only 3...
Hi livedash screen that code is what this means. But this code writes as the system opens normally. MF11 board.
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