AusRoG wrote:It's super easy. Remove 9 screws at back of board to remove thermal armor. Remove 4 screws from the Crosschill and another 4 from the PCH heatsink and they come right off. Next follow EK's clear and easy instructions to fit the new blo...
AusRoG wrote:Yeah I got mine this week. I like it. Looks good and quality is excellent. I tested the Crosschill VRM block with water and was quite happy with the results. But the SB/PCH heatsink still gets quite hot, with the EK solution that wil...
Anyone allready has some experience with replacing the Crosschill waterblock?EKWB have one now and I am thinking of getting one.For reference:picture FB waterblockEKWB site
Furphy wrote:hey,I'm using HWInfo64 in combination with a Logitech G13.Temprature is absolutly fine in the range 26-29°C - except 2 readings...Temp2 and Temp5 sensores show 72° (hope it's F and not C)has anyone a clue where those sensors are or what...