I just noticed an undocumented jumper on my HERO VIII motherboard. It's located near LN2-jumper, as in the picture. What might that be? Searching revealed no information about it.
claudej wrote:Wouldn't it be nice ?My microATX case has 2 intake fans, the lower one aims at the GPU (I believe ).I'd like it to follow the GPU Temperature.It doesn't seem to be easily doable, though.On the contrary, this is extremely easy to achie...
KeksimusMaximus wrote:Anybody uses NVMe SSD (Samsung EVO 960) and went to bios 1101? I just noticed massive write speed/IOPS performance loss, like 4 times drop. From previous 1800MB/s now i barely get 500MB/s. The random IOPS dropped from 200,000 to...