Level 10
since ‎05-03-2014

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for the x299 strix gaming e motherboard seriously might be something wrong with BIOS 4001 fresh install of Windows 11 no longer install in UEFI mode but after installation Windows completes is in UEFI mode maybe it is supposed to be that way of new s...
Hello fellowsI've got a relatively new build with an Asus x299 strix gaming -e motherboard, Intel I9-7900x, 32G ram, Windows 10 Pro 1909.I updated the bios to 3006 this afternoon and now when it boots I get 'ITBM Driver Unavailable' error when I logi...
MS is sneaky but on a good part it was a resource hog I don't know last time i freshly installed Windows 10 itbm was there anyways today i started over and freshly installed Windows now Intel Turbo Boost 3.0 is gone and can't even install it anymore ...
Hey folks purchase a ASUS ROG LED Strip https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811995108 Addressable RGB strip is not working sits same as i hooked in up in static rainbow each led AURA 1.07.22 ?
Well folks i had issues like memory and boot problems so i start from scratch took everything out of case redone my Corsair H150i Cooler totally rebuilt it all- all works well now seems my Thermaltake View 71 RGB PC Case cause the issue poor ground o...
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