I can't say where I got this from, but it should give you core voltage up to 1.4v.GPUtweak 2.2.14http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?emczz0z8zey8pcgWARNING: EXCESSIVE VOLTAGE WILL CAUSE EXCESSIVE HEAT USE A...
For starters I'd back the buss speed down to 250Mhz or less, with these FX chips there's no performance gain to be had by running the buss speed that high and it just creates undo heat in the VRM chips.
Just a reminder, make sure that you have both the 8 pin CPU power connection plugged in, but also the 4 pin cpu power connection near the CPU fan connection plugged in.That CPU requires both connections be powered if doing any sort of OCing.
Welcome to the Forum!Your request is just a bit vague, if your asking where the connection is on the MB it would help quite a bit if you were to state which MB you are working with !If you have a Crosshair V Formula-Z then you'll have to get a PCI-e...
Try booting your system with just one memory kit installed and see if it boot into Windows, if it does then try it with just the other kit and see if it boots into Windows.Mixing memory kits, even if they are the same is not the best idea !