WTF is going on ASUS!If I get a heart attack and die due to this message my ghost is gonna hunt you guys forever Now serious...I'm getting a bit pissed off about this error.This time I didn't change ANYTHING, just happend after a restart.And again t...
Hi,I've been using GPU tweak for a while now.I noticed 2 things.1. My Titan X ROM seems te be updated by it and now it hits the Perfcaps earlier. I want my old ROM back!2. Very annoying bug since I can remember :recreate bug:- Start GPU Tweak II- Swi...
I was wondering if Asus allows the use of an aftermarket cooler on a Titan X.I did read their warranty "rules" BUT.... nowadays at least 2 other vendors I know of (MSI en EVGA) have no problems withexchanging the stock cooler with an aftermarket cool...
Hi,Anybody knows how to get fanxpert3 working with AIO rads?What settings to use so the pumps keep working normal, while the fans can go to "silent mode"Thx in advance
Hi,I was playing around with the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility and I noticed that the RE5 is not certified1. Why is that?2. Can't compare nor upload the results. Is this due to certification?3. Also the settings are not adjusted in the BIOS after I ch...
Can it be posted as an attachment like the previous modded version?I have too much internet accounts already As you provided the original source I think they won't mind, or do they?thx in advance
Qwinn wrote:2) That my previous 4.4Ghz overclock at the time I tried the 1801s out STILL wasn't completely stable even in 1701 Same for me.I'm actually trying to find the best OC for my system all over again cause OCCT found an error (I hate it that...
Qwinn wrote:"But hell, I wasn't lucky with my CPU to begin with so a 0.05 lower voltage wouldn't make a difference for me anyways"0.05 lower voltage is the difference between 1.25v and 1.30v. It's pretty damn huge. Woops! 0.005 I ment You are abso...
Guess I'm not one of the "luckies" with a slightly lower voltage with this modded BIOS, cause I had to apply the exact same OC settings as with 1701 to get it stable in Realbench But hell, I wasn't lucky with my CPU to begin with so a 0.05 lower vol...