Level 7
since ‎12-08-2013

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My 765m is most certainly a physx supported card, yet in gpu z it says physx isnt supported. i thought it dunny and reinstalled the latest drivers off the asus site, and still...Physx tickbox empty.I downloaded Physx software, and it says a broken en...
Whether the model was rushed, corners were cut in the manufacturing process, or the driver support field went awol, there is some answering to do on ASUS' part, if not a complete recall of the line from third party retailer Best Buy.From asus Chat an...
Can ANYONE point me towards "CL albert"? i tried buying an extended warrranty and i got told by asus and bb "no"it seems there are these elusive rog higher ups or something who will hear out and investigate my G750-JW bbi7n05 lemonhood.