Level 7
since ‎10-13-2014

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Hi there,So I've been researching a LOT about how to lower the temps of my GL502VM laptop. After trying different cooling pads, undervolting, changing the profile of my GPU on afterburner. Which worked in many games (PUBG or Fallout 4 don't rise the ...
Hi everyone,I got my Latop ASUS ROG GL502VM 2 months ago and I'm very satisfied with it.But I wanted to know if it worths it to get a Laptop cooling pad. I've been checking in forums and reviews and found mixed opinions about them. What eveyone seem...
Hi all, yesterday I've tried to turn on my PC and it boots once and after a few seconds it reboots, and doesnt show anything on the screen. The Qcode is 58, and despite all the threads I've read, it doesn't boot reseating the memory stick in neither ...