@gazzacbrI hope this thread might help you, I deals with your 120hz 3D screen.http://ri.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEVwl9dipT9hEA_D9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzc2JkZ2xyBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1NNRTQwMl8x/RV=1/RE=1395378174/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww....
Gazzacbr,Make sure you copied all the NVDA.. Kexts then run a permissions repair before restarting. All the steps have to be done in the sequence given before a restart.
Ericio,The moderator has spoken and I can not post the files you requested. the kernel once extracted (Pacifist) needs to be patched with both 10.9 patches. You then place it at the root of your drive. See the first post of this thread if confused (s...
10.9.2 Sucess1. extract 10.9.2 Kernel from combo update and patch2. copy all NVDA.. Kexts from S/L/E3. run combo update4. Replace patched kernel and all NVDA.. Kexts.5. Repair permissions6. Enjoy 10.9.2