Hi!I checked and it didn't install, I don't have any AV yet and after the double click in the setup file does the loading and then only appears a window with the title "Windows Installer" and it only have some info about command line commands and par...
Hi!I don't own a Rampage V but instead a Maximus VII Gene and I'm just finishing setting up my new rig.I tried to install ASMedia drivers from ASUS website (v1.16.15.0) and it doesn't install, after the setup extraction, when you double click in the ...
Hi!As a new ROGer I saw this function and I already filled it with my system specs and I just want to give some sugestions.I have the ROG Front Base and there's no such category that matches it and I also noticed that there's no category for speakers...
Hei!I'm Corvus Mortuus and I'm from Portugal.My hobbies are music, specially Black Metal. I play guitar as my main instrument but I also can play keyboard and do some vocals. I'm also into everything about technology, in this case computers and I'm g...