I'm running Asus GTX460 DCU TOP in SLI. After upgrading to the new nVIDIA driver 301.24, my computer freezes during boot up after GPUTweak 2.0.83 loads. Uninstalling the GPUTweak will fix the freeze up. Is there anybody else with this problem?
stock12to32 wrote:I upgraded to windows 8.1 three days ago and found that all my usb 3.0 ports no longer work. I have moved the usb's to the 2.0 ports and now they are working fine. I was going to sit down this weekend and see if I could find a solut...
Just an update to the bug, so far I have also downloaded the newest GPU Tweak v.2.1.4 and GPU Tweak 2.1.5 from Asus website. Still, these two new versions will not work with nVIDIA driver 301.42.Please, can the bug be fixed in next version of GPU Tw...