Level 7
since ‎04-05-2012

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Hello everyone,I'm posting here since today I woke up, started my pc, and found that my CPU fan wasn't spinning properly. After a while, I decided to look up into a CPU temp sofware to check out if this was impacting my CPU temps. I didn't have more ...
Hi everyone! I hope you're all fine. I have some doubts regarding the FastBoot feature. First of all, I have these specs:---Asus Rampage IV Extreme Intel i7 3930k Geforce GTX 980 Asus Strix DirectCUII OC16GB (4x4GB) GSkill RipJawsX 1866 MHz Corsair G...
Hi you all. I have this problem, so i just recorded it on a video (bad quality, i know) i uploaded on YouTube to see if anyone can help me. I got this message since the last 3 consecutive days. As you can see: System unstable/Reboot/OC has failed/Reb...
Hi! Today i started my PC and i get a message from the bios, telling me that there was a problem with the CPU fan, that might cause instability on my system. I checked the fan and it was ok so i rebooted and everything went fine (just an additional d...
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231500Are these memories compatibles with R4E? Anyone tried it?