Level 9
since ‎04-05-2012

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  • 111 Posts
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User Activity

Seems they got these on the release with a new controller that isn't Sandforce controller and there is good reviews that the BSOD issues have been resolved, anyone got one or know any more information about these? I'm considering to save extra cash a...
Hey, is it possible to find rubber gromments that would fit into the cable management holes in this case? - looking around i feel as if my choice from the Antec 110 to this would be better suited for a H100 cooler, the ONLY thing that i feel lets it ...
Hello,First of all i've been seening people saying that: i do intend to run 2 graphics cards out of my PSU & Pheobus Soun...
Well, To start with i want to thank HiVisMan and 8pack for first helping me to stablize my old 4.2ghz setup and have my computer finally become rock solid that annoyance i had put me off having this PC but since they stepped in and helped fix it, Dam...
Heya guys/galsI'm looking to create another PC over the next few months for my girlfriend as a early xmas present and since she has had a super old PC for 4-6 years and doesn't know a blind bit about them apart from turning them on/off and playing ga...
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