Level 10
since ‎04-05-2012

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Look in the 2nd post, the drivers section, just freshly releasedASUS G75VW Clean Install Guide
I am confused, do I have PC 1666 or PC 1600?Because if I open CPU-Z, then go to memory, here is what I see798.4 x2 = 1596 Mhz.I don't know why I was under the impression that I had PC1666 RAMIm confused
My region says Qatar, I tried to change it to United Arab Emirates but didn't find the option in the settingshelp please, download PhysX v 9.12.0613 Instructions for installation1) Download the nv_disp.inf from the thread I posted, right click and choose SAVE AS. MAKE SURE it o...
I have always set it manually to my GPU, do you put yours as CPU, GPU, or Auto Select?What do you think is the best option?