Level 7
since ‎10-15-2011

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I have purchased a new hhd. Could not get a ssd at this time. My system is in raid 0 and I'm going to just a single hhd. What do I actually need for drivers. From the install disk on a crosshair V.
I understand using both the 4 pin and 8 pin conn. for the cpu for overclocking. But what is the ezplug and how is it used i see it but dont understand on how to use it and or if i need too.
I have a crosshair formula II. I purchased a 1100T cpu and reflashed bios for the 1100T. The original cpu was a 965 BE. Will that bios work or will there be problems as I have enough spare parts to have a second computer. I dont remember which bi...
I have a question about Video memory and dedicating video memory. Im looking to by 2 new cards to run in sli these here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130595. I have read that BF3 uses alot of video memory and I understand...
Does anyone have any opinions on this bios with a 1100T cpu. Will it work or will I have issues becasue it support the newer FX cpu's?