Corsair Riker wrote:The cheapest way would be to buy an external enclosure for your hdds. Just a basic one that connects via USB.No need to buy anything expensive. You may need to buy two different kinds (one for the SSD and one for the other 3 drive...
Raja@ASUS wrote:1. Glad checking the manual helped!2. That means possible firmware issue (depending on the drive).3. Use a computer that does. If you cant then you'll have to find someone that can do it for you. Z87 is very tight on SATA spec - if th...
Raja@ASUS wrote:1) Check the motherboard manual (something most of us never - it will tell you which ports are Intel and which are ASMedia. There is a diagram in chapter 1 section 1-40. Plug the drives into the SATA ports. The motherboard m...
Heya, just bought the Maximus VI: Formula, really like the board so far except for one issue: The BIOS won't detect any of my hard drives. Somehow, though, the BIOS *does* detect the brand new Samsung SSD I bought in the boot order menu, so I was abl...