HelloI want to disable the leds on my rampage v edition 10 while the pc is shut down. I read about activating s5 states but whenever i do that, it sets my core multiplier to Auto. I also tried different settings under onboard device configuration in...
HelloI found on a few websites (like cpu boss) , that you can oc a 2643 v3 to 3.8-3.9 ghz on all cores.I know the multiplicator is locked, but maybe bclk oc is very effektive on this cpu. Do you know if that is right?
HelloI have a dead MB. I want to upgrade to an m2 supported MB. I could buy a rampage v and a 5960x now or wait a half year or more for the 6960x. It would be the same Price i think. Maybe asus releases a rampage v black edition. 4 more threads and a...
HelloI want a cpu with much cores for work but should perform like leading desktop cpus in gaming. I cant decide between two 2690 v3 or a 5960x. I would get the two xeons or the i7 for the same price (1000$) I am going to oc both to the maximum 24/7 ...
HelloI want to buy two ES Xeons for x99. They should cost more or less 600$ (for both) I want a mix of high frequence and much cores. I also want to game so it should be equal to 5930k or 5960x in gaming performance ( 2x titan x w. high OC)
I would get two of them for the price of a 5930k and would use it on a z10pe d16 ws. Cooled with water.Should i take them? One of them is as good as a 5930k in gaming and oc a 5930k doesnt realy boost the fps in the benchmarks i have seen.