Level 7
since ‎11-15-2013

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I bought a ASUS HD 7970 Matrix Platinum a few months ago and at first I was really happy with the frame rates.However over time I always noticed flimmering. It's just a split second every few hours I would notice it so it's not a big deal. After some...
I am completely new to overclocking and wanted to ask a few things about the ASUS HD 7970 Matrix Platinum.How much do you think can I overclock it?What is the maximum safe voltage?I read somewhere that the new cards have been voltage capped and aren'...
I bought an ASUS HD 7970 Matrix Platinum. It has leds that show the cards load.I've seen videos where the card jumps between red and dark blue but mine never goes over dark blue, ever. It has never ever been red.Can someone tell me if I am missing so...
Hello,When I play the game Tera I get low FPS sometimes (~20) but mostly +60. I know you would think that it's normal for FPS to drop if the GPU isn't good enough or a lot of people are in one place but I know for a fact that the GPU usage is very lo...