Just updated to 40.01. Same code. The AA code was good as I always thought of it as "All Alright". 9E looks like an E 'error' code. Not a big fan of the constantly changing Q codes for temp. Anyways, I hope they fix it to go back.
Sundar wrote:Quick update for anyone wondering the same as I was. I've installed the Corsair Dominator Platinum 32GB 2400MHz kit on the Crosshair V Formula-Z and it works with no issues.I set the NorthBridge to 2400MHz in BIOS and that's all really. ...
Sabertooth 990fx rev 1Corsair H100i1866 Corsair Dominator 32GBGTX 690Antec 1200bios 16.04I had to take wire snippers to the antec case to vertically mount the radiator in the back vertical exhaust. Also, the USB jacket on the Corsair USB connector d...
I'm completely torn. I definitely would like to blow some cash on this piece of performance history, probably the last great CPU upgrade on my sabertooth rev1 before I go to another motherboard (not any time soon), but those temps sound really danger...