Level 9
since ‎03-09-2012

User Statistics

  • 26 Posts
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  • 7 Kudos given
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User Activity

What i want to accomplish right now is a very simple overclock. Im not looking to break records or push my cpu to limits. in fact im really looking for a stable performance. I have read the guides here and other places, btw the guides are great and ...
First time posting. My card is overheating within 2 mins ingame. no matter what settings i have.(BF3)It idles fine(30c), boots fine, but when ingame SP/MP i hear the board alarm. 1 long steady alarm. as soon as i back out of BF3 it goes away. No over...
First time posting. My card is overheating within 2 mins ingame. no matter what settings i have.(BF3)It idles fine(30c), boots fine, but when ingame SP/MP i hear the board alarm. 1 long steady alarm. as soon as i back out of BF3 it goes away. No over...
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