Does anyone know anything about this? Their website is a bit sparse regarding detail and the software has no accessible settings. It is linked directly from the the ASUS 2080Ti product page...Any threads on this?
Bartacus82 wrote:Been really busy with work but thank you for your continued support Super Gnome. I've googled around the net extensively about the error codes. Reading forum posts etc. I actually found that error 43 fixer thread last week. I was thi...
Assume a 50mV voltage swing in both scenarios you show with LLC 5 and LLC6 keeping in mind that idle voltage is... well, idle. LOad voltage and load current/amps is what matters. Load line compensation is there to "compensate for" (not dampen) tran...
Counteragent wrote:Hi Guys,Looking for recommendations for best 32 / 64 GB RAM Kit for the Omega Motherboard.I currently run the F4-3200C14Q-32GTZR which I think is decent just looking for anything better.Currently running an Intel Core i9 9900X.Than...
those are windows error codes, not q-codes I believe is what he is saying. If they are Q-codes, simply adjusting VSA and VCCIO may fix the ram initialization error. If they are not Q-codes, but are reported in Windows Event Viewer, it may be a IRQ ...
Your settings with LLC at 5 (manual or adaptive) are what they should be. Vdroop is a good thing, and I recommend against using LLC to increase vcore under load, especially for a 24/7 overclock. JUst set a higher vcore and let it droop. Idle and l...